Sunday, February 17, 2013

Victoria Secret V-Day Partay & Gumbo

Loooooooooooooooooooo-Veeee was the theme this week, and of course I hope everyone’s cupid made the mark. J First up, when I found out Victoria Secret was having a pre-Vday party @ Lenox, I was elated. And who better to indulge my childhood obsession with this day, then my bestie.
 (S/O to Marquita @strongquita1283) And no, Chanel Iman, was unfortanetly not at the Atlanta soiree.
  Okay, let’s start off with the good shall we? Yes, they had a DJ, the playlist was ummmm yeahhhhh mehhhhh. So they tried. The store was uber packed with people, they had  raffles for prizes, and a table where you could treat your fingers to a mani (i.e fingernails painted). Of course by the time I arrived the list was already filled, so I strolled right over to something less busy. They had a lady analyzing your lip prints.  After much “deep” thought she said I'm “Glamour Goddess”, yup sounds about right, and of course she let me know the shade to reflect my inner goddess: “Linger”. I can roll with that, I do tend to make a lasting impression, tehee. 
 Well this special “event” I just chalk up to plain old sales and marketing.Of course that didn't stop me and bestie from chilling, and making photo-ops!
 I did however get to go to a new restaurant (to me @ least) courtesy of the handy Scoutmob (@Scoutmob) app. I went to McKinnon’s Restaurant (It is right around the corner from Lenox Mall) for some Louisiana bouillabaisse (pronounced bulla-bayze??, say 3x fast lol), and boy did they not disappoint this was the highlight of my day! I even topped off the meal with warm lattes. Yummay& delici-oso!!!
The service was excellent too. What spot should I try next time?  Till next time XOXO. J (by Peach Bella @i_amaBeauT)